Tuesday 23 February 2016

   Dodgy builder runs out of excuses    

  •    Mr  Logan was trusted to renovate a kitchen and laundry 
  •    Mr Logan runs out of excuses 
  •    NSW fair trading had received many complaints about him 
  •    Mr Logan is cheating on people for two decades 
  •    He would be pursued by the the State Dept Recovery Office if he doesn't pay all the fines 
 Mr Bailey trusted Sudeny builder Mr Logan to renovate the kitchen and laundry , but Mr Logan kept  
  making excuses to why he didn't begin yet . Fed up Mr Bailey and complained to NSW Fair Trading, which had received numerous complaints about Mr Logan,because ,he has many offences include unlicensed contracting without proper insurance, as well as accepting payment without supplying goods and services in time . Fair Trading Commissioner Rod said the total penalty of
$90,475 was significant win for consumers. Also Mr Logan would be pursued by the State Debt
Recovery office if he doesn't pay all the fines

Personal reflection 
Everyone is vulnerable to cheating by watchdog, therefore it is so
Important to have company to save our rights. Such  as NSW Fair Trading  company .

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